Day 3

Passages To Read

  • Genesis 6:5–6: "The Lord saw how great the wickedness of the human race had become on the earth, and that every inclination of the thoughts of the human heart was only evil all the time. The Lord regretted that he had made human beings on the earth, and his heart was deeply troubled."

  • Matthew 3:16–17: "As soon as Jesus was baptized, he went up out of the water. At that moment heaven was opened, and he saw the Spirit of God descending like a dove and alighting on him. And a voice from heaven said, 'This is my Son, whom I love; with him I am well pleased.'"

  • Psalm 3:3: "But you, Lord, are a shield around me, my glory, the One who lifts my head high."

  • Proverbs 1:23: "Repent at my rebuke! Then I will pour out my thoughts to you, I will make known to you my teachings."

Old Testament: Genesis 5 and Genesis 6

New Testament: Matthew 3

Psalms: Psalm 3

Proverbs: Proverbs 1:20–33

Key Verses

Notebook Prompts

  1. Reflect on the state of humanity described in Genesis 6:5–6. How does this passage influence your understanding of the importance of living a righteous life?

  2. Consider Noah's obedience in building the ark as instructed by God. What steps can you take to demonstrate obedience to God's guidance in your own life?

  3. In Matthew 3:16–17, God expresses His pleasure in Jesus. How can you live in a way that brings joy to God?

  4. Psalm 3:3 describes God as a shield and the lifter of our heads. When have you experienced God's protection and encouragement in your life?

  5. Proverbs 1:23 offers wisdom to those who listen. How can you cultivate a heart that is receptive to God's counsel?

With this in mind, embrace today with a commitment to seek God's wisdom, live righteously, and trust in His protective presence.

Call to Action

Heavenly Father, thank You for Your unwavering guidance and protection. Help me to walk in righteousness, heed Your wisdom, and bring joy to Your heart. Strengthen me to stand firm in faith, even when surrounded by challenges. Amen.
